vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009


Ca tot veni vorba, de curand, despre baza de cazare turistica....
Toata lumea a auzit, macar din Seinfeld, de asocierea intre sertare si chinezi. Mai putin celebra este insa cea dintre japonezi si capsule.
Binecunoscuta manie a asiaticilor pentru chestii ergonomice se reflecta inclusiv in domeniul turismului: in Osaka - Japonia, Kisho Kurokawa a venit cu ideea primului hotel-capsula, in 1979. Camerele acestuia sunt niste sertare ceva mai mari, de cca 2 x 1 x 1.5 m, dotate cu televizor, internet etc, iar numarul lor poate ajunge pana la 700. Clientii beneficiaza de bai comune, restaurant, piscina si.. scari ca sa se catzere in camera.

Tevile au fost transformate in camere, in Austria.

Celica, in Ljubljana, este o inchisoare transformata in hostel pentru tineri.

In Sao Paulo, Exploranter este hotelul special creat pentru clientii pregatiti sa incerce experiente noi: un camion Scania cu remorca, de 25 tone , in care sa afla o bucatarie, lounge si 25 de locuri de dormit. Un tur cu Exploranter iti ofera o varietate de moduri de a descoperi Brazilia: in balon, calare, cu masina, motocicleta, ATV-uri, drumetii, rute istorice, gastronomie, podgorii, situri arheologice, pescuit, rafting, bird watching, rodeo si scufundari.

Kind of English…

1. Perhaps everybody heard (at least from Seinfeld) of the association between Chinese people and drawers. Less famous is that relating Japanese people to …capsules.
The well-known Asian passion for ergonomic things is reflected even in the tourism facilities: in Osaka- Japan, Kisho Kurokawa imagined the first capsule hotel, in 1979. The rooms are up to 700 modular plastic blocks, 2 x 1 x 1.5 m, provided with television, wireless internet connectivity etc. Clients are provided with restaurants, pools and...stairs to climb to their rooms.
2.Celica, in Ljubljana, is an ex-military prison turned into a youth hostel.
3. Pieces of concrete sewage pipe in Austria have been fitted with beds. Clients pay only what they think they are worth.
4. In Sao Paulo, Exploranter is a hotel for the tourists ready to explore new things: a 25-ton Scania truck and trailer which houses a lounge, a kitchen and 28 beds. A tour with Exploranter allows you to discover Brazil through a variety of activities like hot air ballooning, horseback riding, cycles off road rally, motorbikes, quads, trekking, historical routes, gastronomy, vineyards, archeology, fishing, rafting, bird watching, rodeos and scuba diving.

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